Easter Bunny Pops
Easter… A time for holidays, family and over indulging – especially on chocolate. If you’re a Facebook follower you would have seen that I decided to make cake pops for Easter. I made them for my year 8 Form class to finish the term. They were raspberry and white chocolate; gorgeous Easter bunny pops. Cake pops have been just short of disastrous for me in the past and I have tried after some research to make them with [happily] improved success. This time; however, I found making them easier than before and was even excited about creating little characters rather than just decorating them with sprinkles. Improving with practice and research 🙂 …there will definitely be more!
I made these the ‘old fashioned’ way. Bake a cake and crumble it up. I made a raspberry and white chocolate cake and mixed it with white chocolate frosting.
They were put into the fridge to set before inserting the sticks.
Place the sprinkles on while the chocolate is still wet. That way you don’t have to stick them on later – one less job!

Using black royal icing for their eyes and white royal icing for their cheeks I piped on their faces rather than sticking on fondant. Fondant would’ve been more precise…
Needless to say the students loved them and felt very special…
I thought that I would also share some of the wonderful fondant Bunnies I had discovered this year. I haven’t made any these but found them in my search for ‘topper inspiration’ … some real cuties.
Not sure how much I would like to eat fondant covered chocolate eggs but this tutorial video by Verusca Walker for ‘Learn Cake Decorating Online’ is also adorable…
Well, that’s enough Easter for me! I hope you have an enjoyable looong weekend with the family. Happy Easter Baking!
Sam @ColouredSugar x
Yaya! I’m on your website! Hahahahahaha IM FAMOUS! XD